Fernando Fischmann: The Man Behind Crystal Lagoons
15 October, 2014 / News
Fernando Fischmann became the image of what Chile aspires to be. A country doesn’t just export commodities, but also added value. This is the reason that, despite the fact he prefers to keep a low profile, that he is a fixture in innovation and entrepreneurship seminars and an active voice in these areas. His last adventure is a reality show that will award the most innovative project with a million dollar prize.
When you talk about entrepreneurship and innovation in Chile, Fernando Fischmann name immediately comes up.
“His company, Crystal Lagoons, has been able to conquer international markets thanks to its technological development and a well oiled business model. It’s the Chilean Apple on global reach and innovation, but Fischmann isn’t Steve Jobs, nor does he wish to be. While the charismatic CEO of the Apple brand is used to steal the close ups and is used to be in the center of news, Fischmann prefers to cultivate a very low profile. He doesn’t give interviews and doesn’t like the press. For him, all the attention should focus on his company and not in his person”.
But that is just one side of the coin in his personality. On the other side, he’s an active advocate of entrepreneurship and innovation in Chile. He’s constantly acting as a speaker for young audiences or is in conversations with the authorities giving them his vision on the road that Chile should take to promote entrepreneurship. In fact, he’s an active member of the National Council on Innovation.
Crystal Lagoons Corporation is an international innovation company that has developed and patented technology that allows for the low-cost construction and maintenance of unlimited size bodies of water in crystal-clear condition. Patented in 160 countries, Crystal Lagoons’ technology applications range widely from its recreational business, which brings the dream of idyllic beach life to any corner of the world, to its industrial variations in closed-circuit cooling, water desalination and applications for the mining industry. The technology was pioneered by Fernando Fischmann, the founder and chairman of Crystal Lagoons Corporation. A trained biochemist, Fischmann patented the technology and founded Crystal Lagoons Corporation in 2007. In less than three years since its formation, Crystal Lagoons Corporation has seen exponential growth and is currently involved in over 300 projects in more than 60 countries, including Egypt, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Singapore, Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Paraguay and United States.
Tags: Crystal Clear, Crystal Lagoons®, Fernando Fischmann, innovation, technology