Fernando Fischmann distinguished by America Economia magazine
27 August, 2014 / News
Success stories that continued and others that suffered setbacks. In the seven years of the Chilean edition of America Economia it distinguished local entrepreneurs and executives who shone for a business, entrepreneurship or management initiative with its traditional Excellence Award, which is already a real Who’s Who of Chilean businesses.
If something has distinguished this breed of local entrepreneurs has been its internationalization, showing the route to other entrepreneurs in the region to jump to other markets. Here are 10 of them: why were awarded and which spins have experienced their lives and businesses.
Crystal Lagoons
Fernando Fishmann created the world’s largest artificial lagoon, replied his invention in other countries and arrived to the Middle East when its real state luxury boom started to take shape. Besides designing and making pools for projects, is associated with them to get a slice of their income in a sort of royalty.
Today it has more than 200 giant pools in 50 countries, of which 40% are in Latin America, 25% in the Middle East and the rest in Asia and Europe. His next goal: to conquer the American market, for which s is making a strong commitment. In the next 15 years the company estimates it could have 14,000 new projects worldwide.
And the rewards for its founder have come naturally. Along with a number of awards for its crystalline lagoons, this year Fischmann was invited by the prestigious Business School from Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management (MIT) to present his innovation.
Crystal Lagoons Corporation is an international innovation company that has developed and patented technology that allows for the low-cost construction and maintenance of unlimited size bodies of water in crystal-clear condition. Patented in 160 countries, Crystal Lagoons’ technology applications range widely from its recreational business, which brings the dream of idyllic beach life to any corner of the world, to its industrial variations in closed-circuit cooling, water desalination and applications for the mining industry. The technology was pioneered by Fernando Fischmann, the founder and chairman of Crystal Lagoons Corporation. A trained biochemist, Fischmann patented the technology and founded Crystal Lagoons Corporation in 2007. In less than three years since its formation, Crystal Lagoons Corporation has seen exponential growth and is currently involved in over 300 projects in more than 60 countries, including Egypt, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Singapore, Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Paraguay and United States.
Tags: Crystal Lagoons®, Fernando Fischmann, innovation, technology