101 People, Ideas And Things Changing How We Work Today
6 August, 2019 / Articles
The world of work is being struck by waves of change. Some are vast and visible – leaps in machine learning and artificial intelligence or the rise of ‘do anything from anywhere’ technologies. Other ideas are just beginning to emerge – like monitoring content to ensure proper gender balance, or rethinking office design to promote air quality. Behind it all are the people whose ideas and attitudes have the potential to shape the next chapter of our lives. Here are the 101 indispensable things that you need to know about our work-life future.
1. 100-year-lifespan
We’re more likely than ever to live past a century. Whether this becomes a
blessing or a curse for society and business depends on how much we can prepare
for it.
2. 5G
cars, robotics and smart cities, to name a few, will be supercharged through
the 5G wireless network. It’s the next step in mobile internet connectivity –
and it’s here. Almost.
3. Adaptability quotient
an ever-changing work environment, ‘AQ’, rather than IQ, might become an
increasingly significant marker of success.
4. Algorithmic justice
machines than ever can recognise us, but they inadvertently discriminate on
race, gender and more. People like Joy Buolamwini are trying to fix these
built-in biases.
5. Anti-distraction apps
better or worse, the internet is an attention-sapping platform. Perhaps an app
that blocks, well, almost everything can help you focus.
6. Autocomplete
starting to trust AI systems to write our emails for us. Is this time-saving
tool changing how we communicate?
7. Automated hiring – and firing
can screen your job application – the question is whether it should also be
allowed to scan your social media, analyse your facial expressions and even
fire you.
8. Biohacking
micro-dosing, supplements, some go to great lengths to boost productivity –
even if the validity of such approaches is unproven.
9. Biometric CVs
tech that monitors physical performance is booming. Whether there is a place
for it in recruitment and performance analysis is debatable.
10. Breathable offices
how buildings are designed, decorated and operated could help benefit our
health and even our productivity at work.
11. Burnout
the idea that we can work harder and be better at everything is creating an
overwhelming sense of exhaustion and anxiety from not meeting these high
12. Car-free cities
is the latest city to make its central zone car-free. Though some diehard
drivers and business owners have been sceptical, the benefits are substantial.
13. China’s 996
Chinese version of the grind-it-out work culture that tech workers are
beginning to rebel against.
14. Co-living
are trading traditional housing for cheaper, more flexible shared communities.
Is this the future of urban living, or house-sharing, rebranded?
15. Couple inequality
a couple has children, women spend disproportionate time at home, and men at
the office – it will take effort from many sources to balance the scales.
16. Crowdfunding
was meant to be about supporting innovation and people in need. It’s now an
important – and controversial – source of income for outspoken social media
17. Deep work
being switched on means we never have the chance to think deeply. That is a
problem for companies wanting to get the most out of their employees.
18. Degrowth movement
growth is leading to over-consumption and climate change. Degrowth argues that
shrinking our economies can have benefits.
19. Digitial detoxing
you’re secretly or not-so secretly worried about your smartphone addiction,
fear not. An entire industry has emerged to find ways of helping you
20. Digital nomads
remote working increases, more programmes are putting hefty price tags on
luxury, wi-fi-fuelled trips – and gentrifying newly popular tourist spots.
21. Diversity tracking
organisations are monitoring content for gender balance and other diversity
metrics: understanding the scale of the problem is the first step to fixing it.
22. e-Residency
a small fee, you can become a digital Estonian. As technology allows more of us
to work flexibly, might nations compete to attract e-residents?
23. Electric scooters
silent two-wheelers are appearing everywhere, hoping to address the ‘last-mile
challenge’ for millions of urban workers.
24. Essentialism
Kondo has taught us to reorganise our space – but could her philosophy of
mindful minimalism be applied to our professional lives too?
25. Facial recognition
our faces can grant us access to foreign countries, our phones and our own bank
accounts, and offices are the next logical step.
26. Finance vests
casualisation of the workplace is growing. Even some of the most august of
institutions are replacing suits with fleece shells in the name of comfort.
27. FIRE movement
extreme lifestyle shift that promises financial independence and the ability to
retire early.
28. Flygskam
air travel has dipped in Sweden as climate-conscious travellers opt for the
train. If ‘flight shame’ becomes the norm, it could have significant
consequences for business travel.
29. Four-day week
want shorter work weeks. Employers want happier, healthier, more productive
employees. Is the four-day work week a win-win?
30. Fred Swaniker
Ghanaian entrepreneur and leadership expert is striving to disrupt education
with a model that will produce millions of African leaders and jobs by 2035.
31. Freddy Vega
half of Latin Americans go to university, but one online educational founder is
looking to help them have good careers.
32. Ghost work
really understand the future of work, some experts argue that you have to
recognise the hidden side of the gig economy.
33. Ghosting at work
online dating behaviour of ending a relationship without explanation or
communication that is making its way into the job space.
34. Gig reality
is more common than ever, but some are finding that the freedom of being your
own boss comes with a price.
35. Globotics
sophisticated machine-learning with the rise of remote workers, and you have a
two-pronged way of displacing white-collar and service workers faster than
36. Grit
theory suggests that the secret of success isn’t natural ability or innate
skill. It’s not even plenty of practice. Instead, it’s never giving up.
37. Happiness coaches
has relatively high levels of anxiety and depression, with work-related stress
one of the driving factors. Some corporates are turning to happiness coaches to
change workplace culture.
38. Hidden disabilities
700 million people have dyslexia – but innovation in website design and devices
like smart pens could make workplaces more accessible.
39. Hidden likes
social media economy and influencer industry thrive on likes and fans. What if
those weren’t visible?
40. Hirune
Japan, where drifting off in public has become synonymous with exhausted
workers, companies are encouraging employees to go for a ‘hirune’ – which
literally translates as “lunchtime sleep”.
41. Humanics
jobs will be automated as artificial intelligence advances. Here’s why
embracing a learning philosophy may help you stay employed.
42. Humble leaders
like to lead – but what do you miss while you’re doing all the talking?
Allowing multiple perspectives can be hugely beneficial.
43. Hypersurveillance at work
companies already deploy a raft of new technologies to monitor workers. How
much more intrusive could it get – and how will it affect employees’ wellbeing?
44. In-office days
work is great. Maybe working in the office – at least a little bit – could be
even better.
45. Inclusion workshops
handful of high-profile discrimination complaints has prompted some chains to
close their doors for anti-bias training.
46. Influencer agencies
These internet ‘celebrities’ aren’t human – but the
talent scouts poaching them are.
47. JOMO
the antithesis of FOMO, the ‘joy of missing out’ symbolises relief from the
breathless and guilt-laden need to be perennially switched on and constantly
48. Karoshi
Demonstrating commitment to work is highly valued in Japan – but at what cost?
49. Kkondae
Korean word that embodies the tension among generations is building in
the modern workplace.
50. #KuToo
Ishikawa became an unlikely activist after tweeting about the pain from the
high heels she was required to wear at work.
51. Leaveism
way workers are responding to feeling overloaded: take time off to get through
the tasks you can’t complete in the office.
52. Libra
As some cryptocurrencies flag, could Facebook’s wallet be the first real global
53. Job share 2.0
pairing with another similarly-skilled person for a single job could be a huge
boost for women, particularly mothers.
54. Liz Johnson
the Paralympic gold medallist is working to bridge the workplace diversity gap.
55. Longevity economy
idea of ‘oldness’ stifles business thinking. Embracing elderly workers
alongside younger generations could combat what economic doomsayers call a
‘demographic time bomb’.
56. Mariéme Jamme
Senegalese-born British businesswoman wants to teach a million women to code by
57. Masayoshi Son
CEO of SoftBank – the second largest company in Japan – has become Silicon
Valley’s most ambitious, biggest-spending investor.
58. MeToo evolution
a worldwide movement has changed – and is still changing – the workplace as we
know it.
59. Mia Perdomo and Andrea de la Piedra
founders of Aequales, which ranks Latin American companies by gender equality,
are on a path to change parity.
60. Microbreaks
regular miniature pauses from intensive work – even if they last just seconds –
can yield big benefits.
61. Microdosing
tech workers swear that tiny quantities of psychedelics enhance productivity
and creativity. Emerging scientific evidence, though sparse, is emerging to
test those claims.
62. Microgrids
easy-to-install grids might be an answer to energy shortages in the developing
world, boosting economies hit by power cuts.
63. Nanoinfluencers
influencers can connect with millions in a single post, but there’s a whole new
industry evolving for creators with much fewer followers but who have a more
authentic or approachable voice.
64. Neurodiversity
brains don’t all work in exactly the same way, yet hiring and office life are
geared towards a ‘norm’. That could be changing.
65. Non-binary acceptance
With visibility and acceptance of gender non-conforming individuals, things are
getting a little more equitable in the workplace.
66. Noise pollution
environments are now the norm – but the
constant din they cause has led to more disengaged workers. Oddly, adding more
sound might help.
67. Office farming
growing food at work could create a more sustainable in-office dining
68. Passion exploitation
‘for exposure’ (in other words, for no pay) is more common than ever. It’s also
more likely to happen if you work in particular industries.
69. Pay transparency
your colleagues’ salaries has been taboo – but that could be changing in an
effort to close gender, ethnicity and disability pay gaps.
70. People analytics
hiring process is fraught with pitfalls, from elitism to bias. Could screening
algorithms lead to better choices?
71. Permalancing
freelance gigs turn into full-time work – great for regular income, though not
so good when it comes to having regular benefits.
72. Platform co-operatives
giants like Uber and Deliveroo rely on gig workers, but draw heavy criticism
for shifting risk onto their armies of
independent contractors. A global movement is trying to build alternatives,
combining the platform model with established principles of worker ownership.
73. Pop-up offices
shuttering retail spaces across the world, people are coming to – of all things
– work.
74. Portfolio career
an automated future where many jobs change beyond recognition, the career
ladder isn’t the path to success as it once was.
75. Post-work
could make our lives easier and more convenient – but once machines do all the
work, will we have enough to do? That’s what futurists and philosophers are
trying to figure out.
76. Presenteeism
people who have health issues – either physical or mental – are still showing
up for work anyway.
77. Procrastination nannies
to concentrate but your phone keeps buzzing? For a small fee, a coach can help
you get some ‘deep work’ done.
78. Productivity playlists
to music on the job can give rhythm and purpose to the daily grind – the most
effective playlists tread the line between distraction and habituation.
79. Radical candour
way of giving feedback that draws a happy medium between the blunt, harsh
management of the 1980s and the touchy-feely compassion of the 21st Century.
80. Remote workforce
cities are paying people to move in, hoping new remote workers can boost local
economies and populations.
81. Reverse mentoring
plenty for older generations to learn from their younger counterparts. But some
cultures are more resistant to the idea than others.
82. Right-to-repair movement
companies make it hard for you to fix the gadgets you buy from them. Some
people want to change that.
83. Rise and grind
The faux-positive attitude that puts a sheen on the burnout-addled, slog-it-out
reality of work.
84. Satellite internet
remote workers could mean a total shift in global labour options and outcomes.
85. Shopify
the dust of crumbling brick-and-mortar retail, it’s easier than ever to set up
an e-commerce store.
86. Slack
real-time work chat app has improved productivity for some and allowed others
to cut down on email. But for others, fewer emails have been replaced by
another form of distraction.
87. Smart offices
in the not too distant future, your workplace will be seamlessly automated,
personalised and centrally controlled.
88. Soft skills
need abilities computers and automated systems don’t have – like creativity,
adaptability and persuasion. Yet recruiters are struggling to find these kinds
of candidates.
89. Squads
by music giant Spotify, a new workplace organisation method puts control into
the hands of specialised teams within the office.
90. Super apps
popular in Asia, apps that can do everything from ordering rides to paying for
everything are changing the way that people live and do business.
91. Superjobs
you already feel like you’re doing three jobs at once, the superjobs of the
future will make certain it stays that way.
92. Telepresence
than giving a robot the smarts to do a task by itself, it’s easier to let
someone guide a dumb robot from afar. This move is going to upend who does what
jobs where and when.
93. Thermostats
persistent thorn in the side of work productivity, are scientists getting
closer to working out the temperature at which we do our best work?
94. TikTok
next big growth in video isn’t on YouTube or Instagram. With TikTok, there’s a
lot of money to be made.
95. Unconscious bias
judgements drive our decision-making in ways that we’re not aware of, making
workplaces less diverse and more prone to discrimination.
96. Universal Basic Income
no-strings-attached income has been advocated by Thomas More and others. The
idea has gained new popularity amid the automation of jobs, but it’s still
untried on a major level.
97. Unlimited holidays
may be a top benefit that workers want, but the flipside of unlimited paid
leave could leave you exhausted.
98. Unretirement
are re-entering the workforce – some out of choice and some out of necessity.
But can their need for jobs be accommodated?
football, the US Women’s National Team has set records for wins and audiences.
Yet they’re still paid less, with poorer working conditions, than the men’s
team. That’s why they’re suing.
100. The We Company
global coworking giant is betting that you’re willing to blur the lines between
work and life even more. Their future depends on it.
101. Women-only workspaces
spaces exclusively targeting women are a direct reaction to the
proliferation of male-focused private members clubs and tech-bro
The science man and innovator, Fernando Fischmann, founder of Crystal Lagoons, recommends this article.