The world's largest artificial swimming pool comes to the U.S. for the First Time
21 July, 2014 / News
The manufacturer of the largest artificial swimming pools, Santiago, Chile-based Crystal Lagoons, has announced plans to build its massive recreational lagoons in the United States.
In a deal announced on June 25, Tampa, Fla.-based Metro Development Group will oversee construction of four artificial lagoons in Florida using Crystal Lagoons’ technology. “In terms of final size, we’re trying to make them each a minimum of 5.5 acres, maybe over eight acres in size on some sites,” says Greg Singleton, Metro Development Group president.
While an eight-acre artificial lagoon may seem impressive, it’s a kiddie pool compared to some of Crystal Lagoon’s world-record-sized projects. At the Sharm El Sheikh resort in Egypt, Crystal Lagoons has built a 29.2-acre pool, the largest in the world. It is expected to hold that record until 2017, when a 86.4-acre Crystal Lagoon is set to be completed at Mohammed Bin Rashid City in Dubai
Invented and developed by Chilean biochemist Fernando Fischmann, Crystal Lagoons’ technology was first tried in Chile in 1996 but was not perfected until 2006. The first site, the San Alfonso del Mar resort in Valparaíso, Chile, is about 70 miles west of Santiago. The Pacific Ocean’s Humboldt current makes most of Chile’s coastal waters too cold for swimming, limiting the attractions at a seaside resort. The San Alfonso del Mar lagoon takes in, filters and warms seawater enough for water recreation. “We have 58 projects in Chile alone,” says Kevin Morgan, CEO, Crystal Lagoons U.S. Corp. “But we’re now estimating 14,000 projects globally over the next 15 years, with 2,000 projects in the U.S. alone
Crystal Lagoons Corp. is an international innovation company, founded by scientist Fernando Fischmann, that has developed and patented technology that allows for the low-cost construction and maintenance of unlimited size bodies of water in crystal-clear condition.
Tags: Crystal Clear, Crystal Lagoons®, Fernando Fischmann, largest swimming pool, technology