Becoming More Innovative in 2015: Innovation Resolutions
9 January, 2015 / ArticlesWhat are you going to do this coming year to be more innovative? Innovative organizations deserve innovative leaders and members and if you’re not consciously thinking about how you might improve your own personal innovativeness, you’re abdicating on an important managerial responsibility.
Since this is the time for New Year’s resolutions, once again in the belief that organizations don’t innovate, people do, I have asked a group of highly innovative individuals who I admire to think aloud with the rest of us about how they will endeavor to become even more innovative in the upcoming year.
This is the fourth rendition of these resolutions [earlier resolutions can be found at (2012 and 2013 and 2014]. What follows is a thoughtful selection of relatively global and certainly ambitious good advice, all of which has one overall objective: to make us all more innovative in 2015! In each instance, I have also included their twitter address so that each of the contributors can be followed throughout the year.
And so, without further ado, good innovating and good fortunes for 2015!
Tags: Crystal Lagoons®