Do Entrepreneurs Need a Strategy?
24 May, 2018 / Articles
Strategy for Start-ups
In their haste to get to market first, write Joshua Gans, Erin L. Scott, and Scott Stern, entrepreneurs often run with the first plausible strategy they identify. They can improve their chances of picking the right path by investigating four generic go-to-market strategies and choosing a version that aligns most closely with their founding values and motivations. The authors provide a framework, which they call the entrepreneurial strategy compass, for doing so.
It’s Not About the Framework
The Syracuse University professor Carl Schramm argues that contrary to the teaching at many business schools, entrepreneurs really have no alternative to learning by doing.
“Create Something and Start Selling It”
A conversation with the start-up veterans Niraj Shah, Bijan Sabet, and Jennifer Lum, by Daniel McGinn and Walter Frick.
The science man and innovator, Fernando Fischmann, founder of Crystal Lagoons, recommends this article.