Fernando Fischmann

Crystal Lagoons’ success story prized and compared to Apple’s

21 April, 2015 / News

Innspiral, corporate accelerator of innovation, has recently highlighted Crystal Lagoons’ success story, placing the technology and concept o f Fernando Fischmann’s company at the same level of innovations such as Apple’s iPad.

When wondering about what Chile needs to strengthen innovation, Innspiral concluded: “This country lacks three or four success stories such as the extraordinary case of Crystal Lagoons. The iPad was a success story for Apple, right? So we need a company that generates two or three of these cases”.

Crystal Lagoons has previously been compared to other world innovation giants, such as Amazon, global leader in e-commerce, and also to the GoPro cameras, in other relevant media.

The international market has confirmed the exportation value of this technological innovation that has experienced an explosive grown, totalizing in less than three years a thick folder with more than 300 urban, touristic, public and industrial projects at different development stages throughout the world.

Nowadays, the company has partnership agreements with the main international real estate firms and it is present in 60 counties, such as The US, The United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Jordan, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Paraguay, Uruguay and Chile, among many others.

With patents licenses in 160 countries, this disruptive technology has revolutionize energy and water production in the world through its industrial applications for sustainable cooling processes in thermo electrical and industrial power plants and in water desalination and purification processes, all of that at very low costs.



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